Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Munchies? – January 30, 2008

In the evil world of airline transportation, there lies a company that actually cares about its customers, JetBlue. I know I’ve blogged about JetBlue before, but I wanted to share something I noticed about JetBlue from a recent flight back from NYC.

JetBlue has an all you can eat snack buffet. This is incredible, and in fact, I hypothesize that it actually creates a different mental mindset amongst the passengers. They are happy and content, and know that if their stomach begins to rumble that some food is always at hand. Sure the food may be unhealthy, but it’s better than nothing when you’re 30,000 feet up in the air. Right?

Secondly, the pilot always greets the passengers before the plane takes off. I think it’s a great courtesy and a throw-back to the times where traveling was just as much about the journey as it was the destination. I feel safer knowing my pilot is a coherent, civilized individual, and not some crazy buffoon holding the reigns to a $30 million airplane.

…unfortunately, JetBlue might lose me to Virgin America, but we’ll see. How can you beat mood lighting, WiFi, seat to seat messaging, a "mini-bar', and entertainment on demand?

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