Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rubber Band Boats Are Cool - October 23, 2008

My good friend Ken, host of This is Clutch, had an incredible post about the strategic development that went into the creation of a rubber band powered boat. Although the idea is seemingly simple, it ended up being far more complicated than thought.

Mostly, I admire how Ken and his team collaborated on the project using Web 2.0 technologies. Additionally, Ken went to great extent to document the process so that others could learn how they went from ideation to concept to execution.

I'm reposting Ken's Slideshare presentation as well as his video documentation of the project. Once again, I want to reiterate how well I think Ken recorded the entire process of the project.

Rubber Band Boat Deck
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: engineering design)

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