Monday, July 2, 2007

Product Launch Tactics - July 2, 2007

So I don’t have final prototypes quite yet, but I’m working on it! I have been watching the advanced mold making DVDs that I bought, but unfortunately, I have found them to not have been worth the investment. In the meantime…I have been contemplating what tactics I need to employ to bring my product to market.

In developing the strategy it is important that I take into consideration the audience, and what issues and questions they might have in buying the product, how they decide what brand to buy and why, and what types of media and messaging they are most likely to react positively to.

Step 1:
Develop individual and unified messaging that clarifies:
- What the brand is about
- What the product is
- Why is it unique
- How it is integral to your life
- Why they should believe us

Step 2:
Decide what tactics are necessary to lead the audience on a continuum from awareness (learning about the product) to interest (wanting to learn more) to consideration (really thinking about buying it) to action (buying the product) to advocacy (promoting the product). Here are just a couple examples of some tactics.
- High impact (visually and physically intriguing) mail piece or brochure
- Street teams (teams who walk around on the street promoting the product)
- “Micro-sites” (websites that are meant to engage the audience with a specific aspect of the brand)
- Mysterious clues that lead audience on a journey over months to the release of the product
- Print ads or Radio Ads

Step 3:
Determine what messaging is appropriate for each individual tactic

Step 4:
Execute the thinking and see what happens!!!

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